Welcome…it’s great to have you here!
Let me start by saying…Congratulations!
If you are looking to capture your peak level of performance in everything you encounter, you are at the right place at the right time my friend! Keep in mind though, it’s equally as important to live at your peak level of existence in between these tasks.
Have you ever heard the old song lyric, by John Lennon? “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans” This is the point I’m referring to here. Mozart may have said it best when he cited “The silence between the notes is as important as the notes themselves.” In my opinion, the silence is even more important because that’s what gives music its true meaning and emotional connection.”
Accordingly, the silence that gives your life its true meaning is the amusement time you strategically schedule in between your so-called “meaningful” tasks. The truth is—and this really is the truth—no one ever looks back from the vantage point of advanced age and comments on how they wish they would have spent more time working on tasks. Without exception, if you inquire, you will invariably encounter some pining comment relating to how they wish they would have spent more time playing, laughing and enjoying their loved ones.
So, what are you waiting for? Carpe Diem!